Grateful for ’17 excited for ’18.

Humanity has a very strong thirst for knowledge to reach full potential.





Life as we have it is perfect while perfection is in the making. We live our Everest in every moment as we do all to reach our Everest. Looking forward to a fantastic 2018!

Teach in ’18! As you teach, you will grow. It’s really that simple. In becoming a better teacher, you will become a better learner too. Learn, we all must, to rise. So teach in 2018!! Smile.

For me, ’17 was another fantastic year to bridge, lift, and mirror professionals at conventions, entrepreneurs in one on one meetings, and students in prison, schools, and universities. With clients attended Stanford and Harvard, and MIT and CU; IBM to small enterprises, and top performing schools to prison schools – as I served them, they all too redirected their energy to lift me.

So many have shipped my book as a gift to loved ones whom they want to inspire to tap into their full potential. Amazon reviews: Find Your Everest before someone chooses it for you. If you can’t afford it, send me a message and I will send you a free PDF.

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